And so it started …

Take note: 2 minutes further in the interview he repeats this statement!
Accompanying video of TEXT.

Update(d) March 2024. This video is about a promotional interview a ‘professional influencer’ called Leila Conners had with ‘climate-scientist’ Stephen Schneider. It contains this crucial time-line: 2006 L.Conner interviews SS  Source,TreeTV 2010 Stephen Schneider † Just one of those many, many post mortem eulogies 2014 IPPC canonises Schneider The report 2018 Dutch version of this… Continue reading And so it started …

The suffering of the climate prophet

Stephen Schneider

When considering running for a seat in the Provincial Council I started reading the complete IPCC report, however, I got stuck on page XI. The Synthesis Report 2014 turned out to be officially dedicated to Mr. Stephen Schneider, who -for that reason- can be called climate prophet. I use that term climate prophet for the… Continue reading The suffering of the climate prophet


Oilpainting – portrait – carrier

Great. My brother, still recovering from a major life-saving surgery, made these new heptagonal supports for paintings; Portraits. Next step by me: linen and bone glue.For two of them I already know who is going to be depicted. If you don’t know it it is impossible to distinguish, but through the window you can see… Continue reading Heptagonals