With great attention and with ever-increasing amazement I am still reading the autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Here I announced that my next comprehensive book review on this website will be about that remarkable book and person. The man was born a few years before Winston Churchill. In many places, however, it seems as if… Continue reading Gandhi about a border crisis
Category: WDDD
Gandhi and the non-violently punching of Adulterer Trump
Marxistoids, nihilists and other liars accuse Donald Trump of racism with great regularity. Most of them know only admiration for Mr. Mohandas Karamchand, better known as Gandhi. I don’t blame you if you think his first name was Mahatma. But so it is not: that is an honorary title 1). In his autobiography, Mohandas wrote… Continue reading Gandhi and the non-violently punching of Adulterer Trump
Polanyi: ‘Personal knowledge’ a.k.a. integrity
About a month ago, in an article about cultivating bananas (!), I announced writing this extraordinary and comprehensive book review. The book I now review here was written by the most brilliant man you possibly never heard of: Michael Polanyi.The book is called “Personal Knowledge“. From ‘atheist-materialist’ Galileo Circle in Budapest … First, something about… Continue reading Polanyi: ‘Personal knowledge’ a.k.a. integrity
The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams
(De Nederlands gesproken podcast is te beluisteren via Spotify) A book review of possibly the most idiot book I ever read all the way through. It took me some time to really let sink in that it was nothing more, nothing less than a very wierd and very elaborate hit piece about .. Donald Trump.… Continue reading The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams
Erasing history and repairing the past
Or: The fathomless madness at western Universities The audio of this video features as Dutch podcast (Here at spotify). It is the first post in the new sub-category ‘Shadowbanning and censorship‘. Links promised in the video / podcast: Detail of my painting to commemorate the brothers De Witt, murdered by Dutch Orangists. See also the… Continue reading Erasing history and repairing the past
Modi meets islamophilia in the White House
This blog post is mainly about the joint press conference Joe Biden and Narendra Modi recently gave at the White House, June 23, 2023. The contrast between the decaying American and the phenomenal statesman from the largest democracy in the world was so great that I felt as if I was watching a surrealist play.… Continue reading Modi meets islamophilia in the White House