The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams

Trump Derangement Syndrome

(De Nederlands gesproken podcast is te beluisteren via Spotify) A book review of possibly the most idiot book I ever read all the way through. It took me some time to really let sink in that it was nothing more, nothing less than a very wierd and very elaborate hit piece about .. Donald Trump.… Continue reading The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams

The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

E-book. Order it at Amazon.

On November 2, 2004, Theo van Gogh -you can find his picture on the homepage of this site- was murdered.  Because of that, five years later, I  completed my first book: ‘Islamofobie? Een nuchter antwoord’. Yes that is Dutch. (Hier kan het nog steeds besteld worden). ‘Islamophobia? A down to earth answer‘ seems to me… Continue reading The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists