For sale: 3 A5 paintings

Kirsty Swanson 2024 as Buffy the vampire slayer

Updated July 23, see below. The female in the featured image above is the actress Kristy Swanson, known by many for her role in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. To me because she is one of the few Hollywood movie stars supporting Trump … Judging from her Instagram account, she is an overall… Continue reading For sale: 3 A5 paintings

For sale: tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Still from video about a different reviewof Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Link below. I had to make this tribute because I knew about her great role in abolishing slavery and after realising her phenomenal contribution in putting the Golden Rule above the literal text of the Bible. This painting is on a heptagonal, wooden carrier I… Continue reading For sale: tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

Figurative or expressionistic?

New oilpainting, definitely not a portrait. But is it even figurative? I started with the idea of making a ‘quick’ painting of ‘the’ Universe‘. (Did you know that the catholics burnt someone -who absolutely believed in Jesus etc- at the stake for suggesting there was more than one universe?) Astronomist nowadays are quite sure the… Continue reading The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

‘For sale’: Tribute to Grandmother

'Grandma who has been in heaven since 1925'.

‘Grandma who has been in heaven since 1925’. Based on the only -damaged and somewhat retouched- photo of her that survived.I am an atheist: so I use the word ‘heaven’ in the title in a completely unique way.Because she died so young -her oldest daughter, my mother- was only 6, she indirectly had a greater… Continue reading ‘For sale’: Tribute to Grandmother

Tribute to David Reimer

Tribute to David Reimer

And a call to express solidarity with JK Rowling April 1st, 2024 A couple of months ago I made a video (+podcast) about me in my paintings gradually focusing more on making portraits and more specifically tributes. In this video I zoom in on one such portrait: my tribute to David Reimer. My praise for… Continue reading Tribute to David Reimer

Painting Tributes

A podcast about paintings?

>> Podcast BELUISTEREN kan via deze link >> This is a slideshow associated with a podcast. And with English subtitles. It is referring to quite a number of blogposts and some podcasts I made before. Here are the links to those: More about my atheism. My ‘Rembrandt as St. Paul features as the home button… Continue reading Painting Tributes