Long walk & experiment involving transgenderism in passing

Nederlands gesproken, subtitled in English. I made it for TikTok. Actually the long walk is also a training and test if I will be able to complete the JFK-march: 50 miles / 80 kilometers for the first time in my life. It is organised in a considerable number of Dutch locations every year. My account… Continue reading Long walk & experiment involving transgenderism in passing

The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams

Trump Derangement Syndrome

(De Nederlands gesproken podcast is te beluisteren via Spotify) A book review of possibly the most idiot book I ever read all the way through. It took me some time to really let sink in that it was nothing more, nothing less than a very wierd and very elaborate hit piece about .. Donald Trump.… Continue reading The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams