What a shame: linking Zelensky to Churchill

Churchill, Congress, Pearl Harbor
For sale
The painting is called ‘DECEMBER 26, 1941’

A little good news about Jordan B Peterson and very bad news about the International Churchill Society, Zelensky and Climategate.
And a little news about the painting.

Initially I was considering to offer a painted tribute to Churchill, the greatest statesman ever, to Boris Johnson. In the USA. In May ’22 I was pleased to find useful information about the way Winston Churchill damaged his shoulder at the website of this International Churchill Society. Working on this painting that I hoped would be even better than this fivefold one, hinting to the infamous portrait by Graham Sutherland, I came across the shocking news that this same International Churchill Society I stumbled upon the shocking news that this same society honored the terrible Zelensky with a award named after Chuchill.
To my shame I only now discovered to whom else this company has paid such honour. The list included Amarican ‘conservative dinosaurs’.


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