Death-penalty as ultimate taboo word

This video is a sequel to one titled The Pelicot case and the organisation of gang-rape. This one. There I put forward the proposition that eradicating gang rape in a country quickly, completely and permanently is possible IF we discuss rationally about PRIORITIES in this context too. Many powerful people in politics, media and the… Continue reading Death-penalty as ultimate taboo word


Anti Comstock cartoon

In preparation for writing my book ’49:49′ I did not only study abrahamic religions but also took a look at other religions. Partly thanks to that flash exploration of more religions I also discovered to what extent there was more to be found within Christianity about sex related topics than in the interpretation of the… Continue reading Comstockery

Prison Dawah & Grok

I produce short videos based on the contents of the book ’49:49′.Available in the shop in printed form and as e-book. This short videos are published on social media too, especially TikTok. This 16th video is based on the section ‘Awakened’ in chapter 9) 8:67 and 8:68, first a great slaughter. Page 134-135 in the… Continue reading Prison Dawah & Grok

Harvesting and breastfeeding your (!) children

I produce short videos based on the contents of the book ’49:49′.Available in the shop in printed form and as e-book. This short videos are published on social media too, especially TikTok. This 14th video is based on the section Harvest what you have sown in chapter 3) Women, sons and angels. Page 83-85 in… Continue reading Harvesting and breastfeeding your (!) children

My god’s words

Arab or Mohammedan spring?

And sorry for your loss The article I am highlighting here was written by the not very famous professor Reitsma and it appeared in a newspaper with a not very high circulation. My review is rather harsh. Ruthless actually. Above his article, which did not start out very stupidly, was the headline: “Arab Spring: test… Continue reading My god’s words