

Definitely not art, but this special picture almost made me buy such a huge flower pot. A famous French woman once said that nostalgia is remembering what you never really experienced. For me it certainly was here: reminded me of the Mediterranean and hundreds to thousands of years ago.Just found out that some left wing… Continue reading Atmosphere


Centre of Utrecht, The Netherlands

It is the roof of a train at the station with a cut out of the city office. In itself the office is huge and ugly.

Kilobytes vs Gigabytes

Left: Bull-mainframe eigthies, right memorycard today

The first time I ‘used’ a computer was in the early 1970s. At the technical university in Delft. As a student you made a pile of punched cards on a very large, noisy machine into which you had punched your ‘app’ [programs we called those app-lications], values ​​for some parameters and your name and student… Continue reading Kilobytes vs Gigabytes

How many more popes?

Basilica of Saint Paul outside the walls, Rome

About four years ago I visited Rome with my brother (I was mainly looking for more inspiration for a sequel to my Dutch faction-novel Alexandra’s Reis). During a long walk our attention was drawn to this enormous building. It has a really impressive exterior, visible from afar. It was less impressive than St. Peter’s Basilica,… Continue reading How many more popes?