Tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Still from video about a different review of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Link below. I had to make this tribute because I knew about her great role in abolishing slavery and after realising her phenomenal contribution in putting the Golden Rule above the literal text of the Bible. This painting is on a heptagonal, wooden carrier… Continue reading Tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Long walk & experiment involving transgenderism in passing

Nederlands gesproken, subtitled in English. I made it for TikTok. Actually the long walk is also a training and test if I will be able to complete the JFK-march: 50 miles / 80 kilometers for the first time in my life. It is organised in a considerable number of Dutch locations every year. My account… Continue reading Long walk & experiment involving transgenderism in passing

The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

Figurative or expressionistic?

New oilpainting, definitely not a portrait. But is it even figurative? I started with the idea of making a ‘quick’ painting of ‘the’ Universe‘. (Did you know that the catholics burnt someone -who absolutely believed in Jesus etc- at the stake for suggesting there was more than one universe?) Astronomist nowadays are quite sure the… Continue reading The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

‘For sale’: Tribute to Grandmother

'Grandma who has been in heaven since 1925'.

‘Grandma who has been in heaven since 1925’. Based on the only -damaged and somewhat retouched- photo of her that survived.I am an atheist: so I use the word ‘heaven’ in the title in a completely unique way.Because she died so young -her oldest daughter, my mother- was only 6, she indirectly had a greater… Continue reading ‘For sale’: Tribute to Grandmother

Tribute to David Reimer

Tribute to David Reimer

And a call to express solidarity with JK Rowling April 1st, 2024 A couple of months ago I made a video (+podcast) about me in my paintings gradually focusing more on making portraits and more specifically tributes. In this video I zoom in on one such portrait: my tribute to David Reimer. My praise for… Continue reading Tribute to David Reimer

Science and a cabinet of curiosities

Decorative bananaplant

I am in the process of writing an extraordinary and comprehensive book review. It is written by the most brilliant man you have probably never heard of: Michael Polanyi. The book is called “Personal Knowledge“. I first read part of it almost 47 years ago and was immediately very impressed. It seemed to me to… Continue reading Science and a cabinet of curiosities