Funny Grok was right in a sense

But there is no serious reason for laughter.

From my start page I followed the suggestion ‘Grok anything‘.

This was my question and the first part of the answer:

The title of my book is 49:49 not 28:49 but I did not want to make the question too difficult for Funny Grok…

(Later this month this site will offer the possibility to pre-order the book. If you want to be sure to be among the very first readers or consider writing a review, feel free to use the comment section. Such comments will not be visible to the public)

Funny Grok continued with:

Then follows a story in which neither the Naskh concept as such nor the inestimable importance of the non-chronological, illogical, deliberately confusing, standard ordering of surahs in almost all published Quran versions is discussed!

It is like presenting the core of Christianity without mentioning Constantine the evil, apostle’ Paul or Harriet Beecher Stowe. Like writing about Judaism without mentioning Moses or Maimonides.
Like criticising Bill Gates without addressing the core of his dangerous arrogance.

Artificial or Intelligence?

Looking up dictionaries and etymology gives some really funny results when searching for that combination of ‘artificial‘ with ‘intelligence‘.

In summary, it comes down to the fact that these concepts are almost diametrically opposed! Especially man-made versus natural stands out.

Why Grok was right

With that dichotomy, or rather: that dimension in mind, it is hopefully already more or less clear why I have to admit that the Grok reaction was not at all nonsensical. While I myself have studied the Quran very intensively – in context! – I asked this impressively extensive application what kind of answer it would come up with a question related to my answer.
As if I was asking for advice.

But this very impressive man-made tool is not meant for that at all. It is a product that can consult and combine a staggering amount of information at a speed that the human brain cannot match. However, it cannot provide answers to really important questions.

It is soulless.
Ultimately, the answer to really tough questions is just 42. Or 19. Or if you add that 1 and 9 and then again that 1 and 0, the result is just 1.

That 1 of the literal index finger and the figurative middle finger of the worst terrorists we see in the 21st century …

Valuable links!

I appreciate it that Funny Grok suggested valuable links in passing!
The accounts @exmuslim_norway and @ExMuslimMemes I was not following yet.

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