Hang those ungrateful eunuchs!

Idea for cover ..

Below you find a slightly adjusted version of section in the long Postface of the book 49:49. While polishing it before publishing it here, I realised that it could be interpreted as supportive to enemies of Israel in the Middle East and in the RudiDutschkified West. But can we ever have hope for a better… Continue reading Hang those ungrateful eunuchs!

Abrahamic Religions and that Misogyny-Thingy

Cover 'Man Made Gods' By Barbara Walker

§94 Another special role of the USA The first lines are omitted: they form a bridge between the previous paragraph -Slavery and the special role of the US (§93)- and this one. Almost every educated American knows who the Salem witches were: the 19 women executed in Massachusetts following accusations of witchcraft 211). We are… Continue reading Abrahamic Religions and that Misogyny-Thingy

Faith in gods: that Absolutely Inalienable Right

49:49 A not yet published book

Above is the title of a section towards the end of the Postface in my yet to be published book ‘49:49‘ (subtitled: ‘The Emperor’s Old Rags ‘).Below you find the complete draft of that part of the book. ” It is crucial to keep in mind what ‘inalienable’ really means: this right cannot effectively be… Continue reading Faith in gods: that Absolutely Inalienable Right

Kaïn and Abel, the Hebrews and the demigods

The letter to the Hebrews This so called ‘Bible-reading’ is a little bit different from the first two. Those were aboout the very first book -Genesis- too, but in the letter to the Hebrews that can be found in the New Testament there is a very interesting ‘explanation’ of that tiny passage in the Old… Continue reading Kaïn and Abel, the Hebrews and the demigods

Holocaust Remembrance Day & the Concept of Chosenness

Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day. A day that reminds of one of the most horrible episodes of recent human history and to one of the most beautiful aspects of Jewish culture: commemorating every individual.  The reason for making this video is twofold. Last Christmas, literally on Christmas Day, I wrote what I thought was a… Continue reading Holocaust Remembrance Day & the Concept of Chosenness

Dutch viceroy Donner speeches – senility or scribism?

Jan Hein Donner in 2012 receives a first copy of a book on Christian dogmatics.

A new translation of an older and longer Dutch text. The reason for this article was the annual report 2016 [Dutch original text is from 2017] of the ‘Council of State’ and more specifically the ‘reflection’ in it by that time ‘vice-chair’ Donner [1] of that important judicial organisation in the Netherlands. He gave his… Continue reading Dutch viceroy Donner speeches – senility or scribism?