Silly threats to intimidate dissidents (2)

How does the council of Amsterdam operate?

As promised last sunday here the first follow up of the blogpost about a ridiculous Islamophilia show staged in the city council of the Dutch capital Amsterdam. This is the translation of the open letter I wrote to that council, from which they could draw for their indictment of me!Some 4400 words: quotes from my books and other… Continue reading Silly threats to intimidate dissidents (2)

The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

E-book. Order it at Amazon.

On November 2, 2004, Theo van Gogh -you can find his picture on the homepage of this site- was murdered.  Because of that, five years later, I  completed my first book: ‘Islamofobie? Een nuchter antwoord’. Yes that is Dutch. (Hier kan het nog steeds besteld worden). ‘Islamophobia? A down to earth answer‘ seems to me… Continue reading The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

Kaïn and Abel, the Hebrews and the demigods

The letter to the Hebrews This so called ‘Bible-reading’ is a little bit different from the first two. Those were aboout the very first book -Genesis- too, but in the letter to the Hebrews that can be found in the New Testament there is a very interesting ‘explanation’ of that tiny passage in the Old… Continue reading Kaïn and Abel, the Hebrews and the demigods

Elephants in courtrooms-I – the Dutch ‘Council of State’ on religion

ECHR: office Strasbourg France

On 15 August 2018, the Council of State, administrative jurisdiction division, issued a remarkable ruling [1] in a case by a member of the Pastafarism church against the Mayor and Aldermen of Nijmegen. In this article, I will address this ruling in depth, but as briefly as possible. In a subsequent article, I will devote… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms-I – the Dutch ‘Council of State’ on religion

Respect for relating to prison thugs?

First video in the category Meanwhile In The Netherlands.

At the beginning of this century I was a teacher for a couple of years in two very different kinds of schools. The management of both schools felt that some form of respect should be imposed on the teachers. In very different ways. The booklet ‘Respect’ I received as an ICT teacher at an intermediate… Continue reading Respect for relating to prison thugs?