How coincidental do you want it?In October 1927, Kemal Mustapha gave a speech that lasted six days. Yes, Fidel Castro certainly fell short of that with his six or eight hour speeches. When I was preparing my book “IS, the Kurds and the Caliphate. Turkey: from sick occupant to paranoid neighbor” (E-book available via the… Continue reading The very little known ‘Atatürk’
Tag: Ottoman empire
Malta, mohammedans and Jesuits
Nowadays, when one refers, via text or photos, to this church, whose interior is extraordinarily richly decorated, attention is rarely, if ever, paid to this remarkable decoration on the outside.There is no misunderstanding about what is depicted here: a Catholic dignitary steps on a moor: a man with a bare upper body, but with a… Continue reading Malta, mohammedans and Jesuits