How to elicit disgust

About the famous pavement of the road to hell

A short video about transgenderism. A subject that seems to at last getting the attention it most certainly deserves. Partially thanks to Tulsi Gabbard, partially thanks to the new Twitter policy: canceling the very best female atlethes from their platform for openly not supporting that misogynist agenda. You can find more videos and texts on… Continue reading How to elicit disgust

Police brutality: Hurray for timestamps!

Some international media, and even Mr Nils Melzer at the United Nations [Special Rapporteur on Torture] have started to report about police brutality in the Netherlands. The immediate reason for this was an incident that happened in Amsterdam on January 2, 2022. A little bit confusing about it was that the accompanying illustrations did not… Continue reading Police brutality: Hurray for timestamps!

An experiment that turned out differently than I expected!

I posted this video clip on both Youtube and Bitchute.The accompanying text was different.On Youtube I wrote as if I was a leftist fool, to avoid being throttled to show it.At Bitchute I explained why I placed this text on YouTube:“My daughter bought this interesting toy for my eldest grandson. He is eight years old.… Continue reading An experiment that turned out differently than I expected!

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