Besides the re-election of Donald Trump the most positive news of 2024 came from India on one of the last days of the year: under the great Narendra Modi finally the Indian ban on Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses‘ was lifted.Not only was this an important victory over Mohammedan attempts to silence any form of criticism towards… Continue reading MKG, World Champion in Modesty
Tag: WW II
Die 6 van het 654mei-comité
*) Een paar dagen geleden, op de 135e geboortedag van Adolf Hitler, hield GroenPvdALinks een partijcongres. Voorman Timmermans deed een nauwelijks verhulde oproep tot het vermoorden van de voorman van de grootste partij van Nederland: Geert Wilders. Van Es en Maxima De dag ervoor had iemand van diezelfde partij, tevens voorzitter van het Amsterdamse 4… Continue reading Die 6 van het 654mei-comité
Gandhi and the non-violently punching of Adulterer Trump
Marxistoids, nihilists and other liars accuse Donald Trump of racism with great regularity. Most of them know only admiration for Mr. Mohandas Karamchand, better known as Gandhi. I don’t blame you if you think his first name was Mahatma. But so it is not: that is an honorary title 1). In his autobiography, Mohandas wrote… Continue reading Gandhi and the non-violently punching of Adulterer Trump
SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’
Only a small fraction of scientists and medical practitioners worldwide in recent years resisted the unfolding circus of lies surrounding SARS_CoV_2 the lab leak and the actually extremely experimental mRNA vaccins. In many countries, these heroes showed their backbones of steel despite almost unlimited hate campaigns against them by spineless colleagues, extremely stupid or -more… Continue reading SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’
Demographic Engineering & Crazy Count Coudenhove-Kalergi
The purpose of this video is to draw your attention to a long text about Demographic Engineering and the crazy count Coudenhove-Kalergi. Compared to that long text, this video inevitably contains more ‘sweeping statements’. A bit like the most famous booklet by that crazy count: ‘Practical idealism: nobility, technology, pacifism‘. I already had a plan… Continue reading Demographic Engineering & Crazy Count Coudenhove-Kalergi
That iconic serviceman in India 2002

To me this is an absolutely iconic scene. It is based on a photo made in India in 2002. You had to combine that photo of US marines raising the American flag on that decisive moment in WW II in the battle of Iwo Jima with that photo featuring ‘Napalm girl’ Phan Thi Kim Phuc… Continue reading That iconic serviceman in India 2002