The Misogyny in Bible book Esther

I produce short videos based on the contents of the book ’49:49′. Available in the shop in printed form and as e-book. The first video in this series is based on the section Hang the ungrateful eunuchs, on p 219-224 in the book. My intention is to publish this videos on social media too, especially… Continue reading The Misogyny in Bible book Esther

Report of book presentation November 23

21th century Christian fundamentalism

The presentation of this book: ‘49:49′; The Emperor’s old Rags. Erasing history and repairing the past A bitter anecdote from the beginning of my long speech 1). Yes, misogyny is very old and was and is very widespread. A week after this book presentation, ISIS-like groups rose to seize power in Syria again. In an… Continue reading Report of book presentation November 23

Religion, Aristocracy & Misogyny

Front page

Yes: my book is off to the printing house!It will be available from the beginning of November via the online store on the website A good first impression of the book’s content can be found in the table of contents below, but even a careful study of it does not draw enough attention to… Continue reading Religion, Aristocracy & Misogyny

Funny Grok was right in a sense

But there is no serious reason for laughter. From my start page I followed the suggestion ‘Grok anything‘. This was my question and the first part of the answer: The title of my book is 49:49 not 28:49 but I did not want to make the question too difficult for Funny Grok… (Later this… Continue reading Funny Grok was right in a sense