TERFs, politiehonden en Stalin

Fighting LetWomenSpeak under the Antifa-banner

Afgelopen zondag werd er een openbaar aangekondigde bijeenkomst in Utrecht gehouden waar gesproken werd over hoe je als getrainde demonstranten door politie linies heen kunt breken.  Dat stond niet in de aankondiging: daarin was sprake van ‘veilig demonstreren’. Met ‘veilig’ bleek men te bedoelen: zonder inmenging door de politie. Het was deels een terugblik op… Continue reading TERFs, politiehonden en Stalin

Angola and the ban on islam

Church in Andolu, Angola

Among critics of Muhammad’s teachings, occasional references pop up to Angola’s peculiar approach to those teachings. There was a worldwide outcry about this in late 2013. The African country was said to have not only banned Islamism but had already begun dismantling mosques. From both the Islamophile and Islamocritical camps (before 2016) I only found… Continue reading Angola and the ban on islam

The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

Figurative or expressionistic?

New oilpainting, definitely not a portrait. But is it even figurative? I started with the idea of making a ‘quick’ painting of ‘the’ Universe‘. (Did you know that the catholics burnt someone -who absolutely believed in Jesus etc- at the stake for suggesting there was more than one universe?) Astronomist nowadays are quite sure the… Continue reading The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

The pope and the violent expansion of the muhammedan empires

Reconquista completed. Muhammedans expand in all other directions. 1480 as turning point.

The Catholic Church -certainly in Europe- does not have that much power anymore. It is also good that Catholics are called to account harshly for misconduct by servants of the Church, especially those of the twentieth century. It is good that wrong, sometimes very wrong positions of the Church are criticized. However, in terms of… Continue reading The pope and the violent expansion of the muhammedan empires

Abrahamic Religions and that Misogyny-Thingy

Cover 'Man Made Gods' By Barbara Walker

Draft of some parts of the long Postface of the book 49:49. Subtitled: The Emperor’s rags, now published. (launched November 2024) Another special role of the USA The first lines are omitted: they form a bridge between the previous paragraph -Slavery and the special role of the US – and this one. Almost every educated… Continue reading Abrahamic Religions and that Misogyny-Thingy