Below you find a slightly adjusted version of section in the long Postface of the book 49:49. While polishing it before publishing it here, I realised that it could be interpreted as supportive to enemies of Israel in the Middle East and in the RudiDutschkified West. But can we ever have hope for a better… Continue reading Hang those ungrateful eunuchs!
Tag: Abrahamic religions
Mohammedanism: only for Arabs. Or another people.
This is a pre-publication of my book ‘49:49 ‘, to be published no later than 2025. In Part I I already wrote that the critic who is sober and fearless, against hotheads who demand in a high or highest tone that one must know Quranic Arabic before one can say anything about the contents of… Continue reading Mohammedanism: only for Arabs. Or another people.
Angola and the ban on islam
Among critics of Muhammad’s teachings, occasional references pop up to Angola’s peculiar approach to those teachings. There was a worldwide outcry about this in late 2013. The African country was said to have not only banned Islamism but had already begun dismantling mosques. From both the Islamophile and Islamocritical camps (before 2016) I only found… Continue reading Angola and the ban on islam
The pope and the violent expansion of the muhammedan empires
The Catholic Church -certainly in Europe- does not have that much power anymore. It is also good that Catholics are called to account harshly for misconduct by servants of the Church, especially those of the twentieth century. It is good that wrong, sometimes very wrong positions of the Church are criticized. However, in terms of… Continue reading The pope and the violent expansion of the muhammedan empires
Elsevier: devoted to glorifying Islam
Capitalism, or rather: free enterprise-based production, is among the (Western) achievements that are well worth defending. However, its blessings can only flourish under conditions, and it is certainly not the individual entrepreneurs themselves who defend those conditions. Certainly not the monstrously large corporations whose leadership has little or no affinity with the actual processes of… Continue reading Elsevier: devoted to glorifying Islam
Faith in gods: that Absolutely Inalienable Right
Above is the title of a section towards the end of the Postface in my soon to be published book ‘49:49‘ (subtitled: ‘The Emperor’s Old Rags ‘).Below you find a draft of that part of the book.That postface takes up 40% of the book. ” I T is crucial to keep in mind what ‘inalienable’… Continue reading Faith in gods: that Absolutely Inalienable Right