Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

About a sickening coincidence of two meetings.I should not exaggerate: actually I did not throw up, I did not even vomit in my mouth.Two days ago Mr. Zelensky, an extremely wealthy clown -literally, it was his previous job- addressed the Dutch parliament. The next day he did another non-exchange with the Belgian parliament. It coincided… Continue reading Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

1672: Johan de Witt and his brother murdered

Johannes and Cornelis de Witt murdered
A tribute to Jan de Baen too

I painted Johan de Witt as kind of a tribute: in several aspects he was to the Netherlands what Winston Churchill was for Great Britain. For both of them the royals were a real pain in the ass… And I feel related to him. Not the most but neither the least by the fact we… Continue reading 1672: Johan de Witt and his brother murdered