I used the (in)famous photo of Chamberlain as featured image. Somewhat amazingly I could find it at the BBC. (Link) This is a good source to start if you know little or nothing about why the name ‘Chamberlain’ to many is almost a synonym for ‘appeasement’.
Category: History
The long road to civilization.
The shoulder and the cancelling of Churchill
Link to the specific source at The International Churchill Society. I say Centre instead of society. Their twitter-handle is @ChurchillCentre ..
The somewhat pathetic VP Wallace
Three years ago, before my first oilpainting, I made two or three gouaches. Only this one I completed. Just recently I read a little more about him. A really strange guy, indeed. In 1944 the Democrat establishment dumped him as VP from the ticket with Roosevelt and Truman became VP. Wallace in 1948 tried to… Continue reading The somewhat pathetic VP Wallace
Bandstand in Gent
I visited Gent a couple of years ago to attend a book presentation. I combined it with a visit to a nice museum the next day. Walking to the railway station to return to the Netherlands I came upon a park with a lovely bandstand. I was struck by these details. Pure craftsmanship.These bandstands have… Continue reading Bandstand in Gent
No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen
UPDATE April 2023: I slightly expanded the text, did not change the video. A video to support the Distinghuised Gentleman’s Ride.Of course the video is not very short: it includes remarks about history. More specifically: about that ‘precursor’ of WWII, the civil war in Spain and the role of George Orwell therein. And I link… Continue reading No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen
A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…
Bismarck laid the foundation for the Third Reich Like all videos at ODP this one is meant as a warning against dismissing history. I sincerely hope that simply showing some images of this cemetery helps a little bit in resisting hysteria, hoaxing and war-mongering. In these times it is good to think a little bit… Continue reading A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…