In a video by a sympathetic duo of Dutch bloggers (Bakkie met Bergsma en Bennink) I came across the call to make more use of old-fashioned, tangible mail instead of e-mail, Whatsapp, Twitter and the like. A very good idea for several reasons! One reason they haven’t mentioned yet though, and I’ll go into that… Continue reading Non self-reading & tangible mail
Category: Miscellaneous
Demographic Engineering & Crazy Count Coudenhove-Kalergi
The purpose of this video is to draw your attention to a long text about Demographic Engineering and the crazy count Coudenhove-Kalergi. Compared to that long text, this video inevitably contains more ‘sweeping statements’. A bit like the most famous booklet by that crazy count: ‘Practical idealism: nobility, technology, pacifism‘. I already had a plan… Continue reading Demographic Engineering & Crazy Count Coudenhove-Kalergi
Victims of a Magnificent Conspiracy
Every second of every day somewhere in the world a new conspiracy, big or small, is being hatched while work on others is being continued.Recently I was one of the many victims of a magnificent conspiracy. The conspiracy involved a farmers protest in my home country on March 11, 2023. A protest against a policy… Continue reading Victims of a Magnificent Conspiracy
Perfection, beauty & shifting perspectives
Perfection can’t be wrong, can it? But perfectionism, obsession? Surely any form or degree of OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder) is bad isn’t it? Ordering my cutlery drawer this way started a couple of months ago. I gave the pair of scissors a very precise place in the drawer: not only in its own compartment, but… Continue reading Perfection, beauty & shifting perspectives
Misplaced respect
No mistake: ‘Misplaced respect‘ does not refer to the Vietnamese buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc in the ‘featured image’.The video is about (Abrahamic) religions and changing views on the role of the US in history. A change that I welcome to a certain extent on the inevitable way to a more multipolar world, but that… Continue reading Misplaced respect
Botanic behaviour: the Monstera Deliciosa
Only those who viewed a considerable number of videos from this Old Dutch Painter could have seen it coming: a video with observations and experiments with this special house plant, Monstera Deliciosa, especially its aerial roots. And yes: its fruit is edible but you have to be careful!To be honest I never had the privilege… Continue reading Botanic behaviour: the Monstera Deliciosa