Deliberately no English versions of the Old Testament were consulted for the literal quotes. I know, and probably you do too, that the differences are of minor importance.
Old Dutch Painter’s Blog
Expressionism? I do want to cry out..
Colourizing old movies: I saw great examples of it before and today I discovered that a fellow Dutchman called Rick is doing a really great job in this field. Here an example of his work: The Attack on Pearl Harbour.This blogpost is about something completely different, yet in a way comparable. I chose this example-link… Continue reading Expressionism? I do want to cry out..
Rudi Dutschke’s mind blowing success
Political commenting while ironing. No shirt was ruined while making this video. Three years ago I wrote a text about Dutschke in Dutch on the website In a note below an explanation of my vote. I repeat the complete note here for a reason: Superficially the hero of many radical world reformers, Rudi Dutschke… Continue reading Rudi Dutschke’s mind blowing success
Childhood memories
In my school days I painted very little, but I did draw.This one is from the time I was considering studying architecture. So I was in secondary school. I must have put hundreds of hours into this drawing. Instead of doing homework, so to speak.My inspiration came from architecture magazines that I borrowed from the… Continue reading Childhood memories
May 10 in The Netherlands and in Great Britain
I used the (in)famous photo of Chamberlain as featured image. Somewhat amazingly I could find it at the BBC. (Link) This is a good source to start if you know little or nothing about why the name ‘Chamberlain’ to many is almost a synonym for ‘appeasement’.
Night Street Art
There is something strange about stained glass. During the day it doesn’t look very special from the outside, unless it is not a church but a modern, light building. Within the church it can then produce beautiful images. The most beautiful images, however, we see in the evening: from outside. Clever move.