Study History!

Five fold portrait of Winston Churchill by old dutch painter Frans Groenendijk

This video is only partly inspired by the publication of my book ’49:49′Available in the shop, but refers mostly to my older (E-)book IS, the Kurds and the Caliphate; Turkey: from sick occupant to paranoid neighbor. (Videos are published on social media like TikTok, YouTube. See LINKTREE in the footer). The text is mostly based on… Continue reading Study History!

‘Rotherham’ *): the racist betrayal of the Sikhs

Elon Musk has finally put it back on the map. Many warnings were given at the time, but there was a huge cover-up. Mostly a Labour cover-up. The advantage of the present Starmer regime is that the Labour mendacity is now seen by more people. Even outside that nowadays somewhat less ‘united’ kingdom.Looking back, yes… Continue reading ‘Rotherham’ *): the racist betrayal of the Sikhs