Great. My brother, still recovering from a major life-saving surgery, made these new heptagonal supports for paintings; Portraits. Next step by me: linen and bone glue.For two of them I already know who is going to be depicted. If you don’t know it it is impossible to distinguish, but through the window you can see… Continue reading Heptagonals
Tag: Video
FGM and shaking off prudery
Direct link to the long TEXT. How many readers does this translated text deserve?
Uncle Tom: his backbone of steel
A different review.A conservative atheist praises “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and glorifies that devout christian lady Harriet Beecher-Stowe. Link to the written review Link to Dutch original of the review
Breaking careers -2
Accompanying video of long TEXT: Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology. Direct Link to that long text.
Validating victimhood & propagating prostitutes with penises
Video + TEXT on transgenderism