Above is the title of a section towards the end of the Postface in my soon to be published book ‘49:49‘ (subtitled: ‘The Emperor’s Old Rags ‘).Below you find a draft of that part of the book.That postface takes up 40% of the book. ” I T is crucial to keep in mind what ‘inalienable’… Continue reading Faith in gods: that Absolutely Inalienable Right
Category: Against Nihilism
Defending (western?) civilization. Actuality.
Polanyi: ‘Personal knowledge’ a.k.a. integrity
About a month ago, in an article about cultivating bananas (!), I announced writing this extraordinary and comprehensive book review. The book I now review here was written by the most brilliant man you possibly never heard of: Michael Polanyi.The book is called “Personal Knowledge“. From ‘atheist-materialist’ Galileo Circle in Budapest … First, something about… Continue reading Polanyi: ‘Personal knowledge’ a.k.a. integrity
Male hobby judge resigns to better support the misogyny cause
Every gender dysphoric boy or man who wants to become a transwo_man, is mentally disturbed in a different way. And sure as hell by themselves, as individuals, not all of them pose a threat to women and/or are pedophiles. In the last part of this blog post, I highlight the huge difference between the attitude… Continue reading Male hobby judge resigns to better support the misogyny cause
Tribute to David Reimer
And a call to express solidarity with JK Rowling April 1st, 2024 A couple of months ago I made a video (+podcast) about me in my paintings gradually focusing more on making portraits and more specifically tributes. In this video I zoom in on one such portrait: my tribute to David Reimer. My praise for… Continue reading Tribute to David Reimer
Science and a cabinet of curiosities
I am in the process of writing an extraordinary and comprehensive book review. It is written by the most brilliant man you have probably never heard of: Michael Polanyi. The book is called “Personal Knowledge“. I first read part of it almost 47 years ago and was immediately very impressed. It seemed to me to… Continue reading Science and a cabinet of curiosities
The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams
(De Nederlands gesproken podcast is te beluisteren via Spotify) A book review of possibly the most idiot book I ever read all the way through. It took me some time to really let sink in that it was nothing more, nothing less than a very wierd and very elaborate hit piece about .. Donald Trump.… Continue reading The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams