Quick experiment: chalk on black paper

Chalk on black paper

Last week I mentioned I was going to participate in a four-day painting workshop by one of the best, if not the best traditional artisan painter in the Netherlands. Due to coincidental circumstances just today -for the first time in my life- I made this drawing with chalk on black paper. It was surprisingly educational: partly thanks to… Continue reading Quick experiment: chalk on black paper

No station clock

No station clock

Not a station clock but a special hint to the passage of time for me. In the last years of my mother’s life her eyesight continued to deteriorate, I inherited the thing after her death. I nowadays use the clock in an exercise to improve my own eyesight: switching accomodation between a raised finger and… Continue reading No station clock

Mona Lisa + Minerva = Monerva

Detail of sun-blocking painting Monerva

In the catalog I made for the first exhibition of my oil paintings, I wrote that the first painting I made this century was a quick ‘Van Gogh self-portrait‘ (see below) in gouache.It wasn’t until after that exhibition that I realized that wasn’t quite right. I made the painting ‘Monerva‘ of which you see a… Continue reading Mona Lisa + Minerva = Monerva

More post impressionism?


Soon I will have the honor to participate in a four-day painting workshop by Cornelis Le Mair. One of the best, if not the best traditional artisan painter in the Netherlands. He has been painting for more than half a century and demonstrates and teaches the technique of the old masters. Those other kind of… Continue reading More post impressionism?

Botanic behaviour: the Monstera Deliciosa

Appropriate tie ... ?
At home

Only those who viewed a considerable number of videos from this Old Dutch Painter could have seen it coming: a video with observations and experiments with this special house plant, Monstera Deliciosa, especially its aerial roots. And yes: its fruit is edible but you have to be careful!To be honest I never had the privilege… Continue reading Botanic behaviour: the Monstera Deliciosa