Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?

Painting by Gaspar de Crayer

One of Winston Churchill’s most inspiring quotes is ‘Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft ‘ [1]. Paintings can aid in the study of history too. At least if you do not just superficially look at the image! De Crayer was a court painter to the governors of what is… Continue reading Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?

Pilate by Jan Lievens

In the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: Jan Lievens, Pilate washing his hands.

Contemporary and friend of Rembrandt van Rijn. The craftsmanship with which especially the fabrics are depicted is really astonishing. It even stands out a bit against the representation of hands and faces.

Expressionism? I do want to cry out..

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Colourizing old movies: I saw great examples of it before and today I discovered that a fellow Dutchman called Rick is doing a really great job in this field. Here an example of his work: The Attack on Pearl Harbour.This blogpost is about something completely different, yet in a way comparable. I chose this example-link… Continue reading Expressionism? I do want to cry out..