Or: The fathomless madness at western Universities The audio of this video features as Dutch podcast (Here at spotify). It is the first post in the new sub-category ‘Shadowbanning and censorship‘. Links promised in the video / podcast: Detail of my painting to commemorate the brothers De Witt, murdered by Dutch Orangists. See also the… Continue reading Erasing history and repairing the past
Category: History
The long road to civilization.
Painting Tributes
>> Podcast BELUISTEREN kan via deze link >> This is a slideshow associated with a podcast. And with English subtitles. It is referring to quite a number of blogposts and some podcasts I made before. Here are the links to those: More about my atheism. My ‘Rembrandt as St. Paul features as the home button… Continue reading Painting Tributes
Paintings for sale
Thanks to rather ‘special’ actions by Google and Chrome(books), I lost many files. Images, especially. Paintings by my own hand more especially. Because the vast majority of those are still in my possession and at my home, I can take photos of them again. There are also advantages to this. I am now taking a… Continue reading Paintings for sale
Sharing their god or their hatred?
The first video here that also serves as a basis for a podcast: a podcast in Dutch from an English subtitled video. It deals with the similarities, the relationships and the differences among those Abrahamic Religions. The reason to make this video and podcast NOW is of course October 7, 2023: the terrorist attack on… Continue reading Sharing their god or their hatred?
The hatred between Sunnis and Shiites in Egypt
OR: the self-evidence of totalitarianism in the Mohammedan world This is the English version, shortened and slightly updated, of a Dutch text I wrote in August 2013. “More than two years ago I wrote a rather long and in-depth article [in Dutch] entitled Arab Spring or Mohammedan Autumn?That was well before Morsi, as candidate for… Continue reading The hatred between Sunnis and Shiites in Egypt
Phosphorus Fertilizer and ‘Prepping’
I have quite a few houseplants in my living room. On my tiny balcony, in addition to ornamental plants, I have plants for consumption too. I purchased the spathiphyllum specimen shown here over ten years ago and it did produce some flowers every year. Inspired by my ‘microscopic‘ horticultural activities and observations, a few weeks… Continue reading Phosphorus Fertilizer and ‘Prepping’