Tears of relief at Swedish Superiority

Tears of relief (Can you spot them? Literally?)

This particular and personal story about tears of relief is actually an appeal to read a long, recently translated text of mine: this one. One could blame my emphasis on the idiocy of using that inappropriate use of the term ‘pyramid’ on the fact that worked as a math teacher. I advice you to switch… Continue reading Tears of relief at Swedish Superiority

Holocaust Remembrance Day & the Concept of Chosenness

Idea for cover ..

Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day. A day that reminds of one of the most horrible episodes of recent human history and to one of the most beautiful aspects of Jewish culture: commemorating every individual.  The reason for making this video is twofold. Last Christmas, literally on Christmas Day, I wrote what I thought was a… Continue reading Holocaust Remembrance Day & the Concept of Chosenness

Elephants in courtrooms–IV; The case Erbakan vs Turkey

ECHR: office Strasbourg France

For decades now, Islam is growing stronger in Turkey. ‘European’ judicial activism contributed to this. Necmettin Erbakan (1926–2011), founder of Millî Görüş [1], former prime minister and mentor to Erdowahn, was one of the main forces behind the re-Islamization of Turkey. In 2006 a group of judges from the European Court of Human Rights –… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms–IV; The case Erbakan vs Turkey

The very little known ‘Atatürk’

How coincidental do you want it?In October 1927, Kemal Mustapha gave a speech that lasted six days. Yes, Fidel Castro certainly fell short of that with his six or eight hour speeches. When I was preparing my book “IS, the Kurds and the Caliphate. Turkey: from sick occupant to paranoid neighbor” (E-book available via the… Continue reading The very little known ‘Atatürk’