Antifa: hard core communists with a whiff of nihilism

Fighting LetWomenSpeak under the Antifa-banner

Yesterday I published a post in Dutch about Antifa in the Netherlands. However, Antifa is active in many western countries and share the same agenda everywhere. So an English translation could be useful for decent people in many other Western countries. It is mostly a translation but also slightly adapted for the international perspective and… Continue reading Antifa: hard core communists with a whiff of nihilism

TERFs, politiehonden en Stalin

Fighting LetWomenSpeak under the Antifa-banner

Afgelopen zondag werd er een openbaar aangekondigde bijeenkomst in Utrecht gehouden waar gesproken werd over hoe je als getrainde demonstranten door politie linies heen kunt breken.  Dat stond niet in de aankondiging: daarin was sprake van ‘veilig demonstreren’. Met ‘veilig’ bleek men te bedoelen: zonder inmenging door de politie. Het was deels een terugblik op… Continue reading TERFs, politiehonden en Stalin

Naar een 654mei-comité

Het is heel moeilijk te voorspellen hoe dit jaar de de Dodenherdenking zal verlopen. Het is niet uit te sluiten dat het dit jaar niet zal blijven bij het voetballen met kransen, zoals in eerdere jaren gebeurde. In 2003 rapporteerde zelfs de voormalige verzetskrant Trouw daar nog over. Het is ook mogelijk dat de sluwere… Continue reading Naar een 654mei-comité

“The better type of peace diplomacy”?

Scheveningen, Kurhaus September 25 2020, Photo of this specific exhibition of it in the ‘Kurhaus’ by the Old Dutch Painter. The title of this blogpost is the caption beside those photos … The question mark is added by me, of course. When you look for a possible original source of this photo of the Dutch… Continue reading “The better type of peace diplomacy”?

Sharing their god or their hatred?

Idea for cover ..

The first video here that also serves as a basis for a podcast: a podcast in Dutch from an English subtitled video. It deals with the similarities, the relationships and the differences among those Abrahamic Religions. The reason to make this video and podcast NOW is of course October 7, 2023: the terrorist attack on… Continue reading Sharing their god or their hatred?

Leninism was never eradicated

The only video (so far) that I did not record in the Netherlands, I made in Germany near the border with Poland. It was about Bismarck, Russian soldiers and Soviet rule. Title: A military cemetery in Spremberg: “Sonst Nichts“. ‘Sonst Nichts’ was part of a slogan often used by the terrible Bismarck, who laid the… Continue reading Leninism was never eradicated