And sorry for your loss The article I am highlighting here was written by the not very famous professor Reitsma and it appeared in a newspaper with a not very high circulation. My review is rather harsh. Ruthless actually. Above his article, which did not start out very stupidly, was the headline: “Arab Spring: test… Continue reading My god’s words
Category: Miscellaneous
Moses and sex slavery
I produce short videos based on the contents of the book ’49:49′.Available in the shop in printed form and as e-book. This third video in this series is based on the section The lineage of the god? The unfathomable contempt for women p 203 – 206 in the book. This short videos are published on social media… Continue reading Moses and sex slavery
Zelf-pardonering, kent u die uitdrukking?
Of: “Hooghartig, hooghartiger, Frits van Exter” Op 30 juli 2011 verscheen in het blaadje Vrij Nederland het meest weerzinwekkende Nederlandstalige artikel dat ik ooit gelezen heb in mijn best al lange leven. Het was geschreven door de VN-redacteuren Harm Botje en Freke Vuijst. Het orgaan waar ze in schreven was toen nog niet zieltogend. Zie… Continue reading Zelf-pardonering, kent u die uitdrukking?
Misogyny or Trump: NSFW …
Or: Don’t mention sex slavery That shopping cart emoji in the menu is generated with a tool. Nice isn’t it? Since I subscribed to the platform of that tool anyway, I thought I could use it for other emojis as well. That was a bit disappointing. Or rather, it led to some shocking discoveries. I… Continue reading Misogyny or Trump: NSFW …
About the author
The author of ’49:49′.Subtitled ‘The emperor’s old rags’ The backside of the book. More about the author can be found on the ‘about’ page. Especially at the bottom of that text. See also: this article about my ‘interaction’ with Antifa … (Direct to the shop item).
Help me pass the threshold, please
The subtitle of my new book is ‘The Emperor’s old rags‘. That of course refers to that fairy tale, titled ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes‘. The very first paragraph of the preface of ‘49 49‘ is about that story and about my own role as extremely down to earth observer. I have put a lot of… Continue reading Help me pass the threshold, please