
Anti Comstock cartoon

In preparation for writing my book ’49:49′ I did not only study abrahamic religions but also took a look at other religions.

Partly thanks to that flash exploration of more religions I also discovered to what extent there was more to be found within Christianity about sex related topics than in the interpretation of the religion I grew up with.

And only now I read about the tragic death of the freethinker Ida Craddock, who lived from 1857 to 1902.

She refused to ‘admit’ she was insane and was then sentenced to five years in prison. The day before she would actually end up in jail, she committed suicide.

Part of Ida Craddock’s suicide letter:

The man who played the leading role in this villainous collusion between church and state, this early twentieth century witch hunt was Anthony Comstock. The English term comstockery is derived from his name.

Joan Koster

The quote from her letter I found at the site of Joan Koster.

In her series historical fiction about forgotten women Koster also wrote a book about Ida Craddock, titled Censored Angel.

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