The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

Figurative or expressionistic?

New oilpainting, definitely not a portrait. But is it even figurative? I started with the idea of making a ‘quick’ painting of ‘the’ Universe‘. (Did you know that the catholics burnt someone -who absolutely believed in Jesus etc- at the stake for suggesting there was more than one universe?) Astronomist nowadays are quite sure the… Continue reading The Andromeda Galaxy & scientific observations

The pope and the violent expansion of the muhammedan empires

Reconquista completed. Muhammedans expand in all other directions. 1480 as turning point.

The Catholic Church -certainly in Europe- does not have that much power anymore. It is also good that Catholics are called to account harshly for misconduct by servants of the Church, especially those of the twentieth century. It is good that wrong, sometimes very wrong positions of the Church are criticized. However, in terms of… Continue reading The pope and the violent expansion of the muhammedan empires

Abrahamic Religions and that Misogyny-Thingy

Cover 'Man Made Gods' By Barbara Walker

Draft of some parts of the long Postface of the soon to be published book 49:49. Subtitled: The Emperor’s rags. Another special role of the USA The first lines are omitted: they form a bridge between the previous paragraph -Slavery and the special role of the US – and this one. Almost every educated American… Continue reading Abrahamic Religions and that Misogyny-Thingy

The Portuguese Doctor Frankenstein

Egas Moniz: Frankenstein or Mengele 3.0?

The crucial DATE on the above image is hard to discern. It says: January 12 1989. The cowardly, disproportionate reactions to one castration 70 years ago The amount of attention given to one, possibly a few cases of castration in the 1950s is in absurd proportion to the attention given to atrocities taking place in… Continue reading The Portuguese Doctor Frankenstein

Die 6 van het 654mei-comité

Marcel van Dam: "Een buitengewoon minderwaardig mens"

*) Een paar dagen geleden, op de 135e geboortedag van Adolf Hitler, hield GroenPvdALinks een partijcongres. Voorman Timmermans deed een nauwelijks verhulde oproep tot het vermoorden van de voorman van de grootste partij van Nederland: Geert Wilders. Van Es en Maxima De dag ervoor had iemand van diezelfde partij, tevens voorzitter van het Amsterdamse 4… Continue reading Die 6 van het 654mei-comité