Starting ‘history’ at date of your own birth or foundation

German chancellor receives Kalergi Prize from the hands of some Liechtenstein aristocrat

Among other things this text is about the history and present day importance of the highly acclaimed insanely insane count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. This count produced absurdly racist texts, yet an award named after him has been handed to numerous presidents and prime ministers (and one violinist). It is preferably presented by men of nobility.… Continue reading Starting ‘history’ at date of your own birth or foundation

‘Climate denier’ as a badge of honor

Take note: 2 minutes further in the interview he repeats this statement!

This , for me, short article builds on a longer TEXT I wrote nine months before: What is climate science? At the time I put quite a few hours of study into preparing that text. However, I had not yet formulated the title of this piece as a conclusion. Among other things, I went through… Continue reading ‘Climate denier’ as a badge of honor