A Penny dropped

Idea for cover ..

Below you find a crucial part from the Preface of a yet to be published book. Title: 49:49Subtitle: The Emperor’s Old Rags The penny dropped when I started translating the book into English.The previous section is titled: ‘Not hurting your Mom ‘. The moment I looked again at the first paragraph of Part I of… Continue reading A Penny dropped

How many more popes?

Basilica of Saint Paul outside the walls, Rome

About four years ago I visited Rome with my brother (I was mainly looking for more inspiration for a sequel to my Dutch faction-novel Alexandra’s Reis). During a long walk our attention was drawn to this enormous building. It has a really impressive exterior, visible from afar. It was less impressive than St. Peter’s Basilica,… Continue reading How many more popes?

A penny dropped. An important one.

Call me a cultural christian
Cultural catholic / cultural muslims

As I went through the concept text of the book on mohammedanism in detail again, in preparation for translating it into English, the feeling crept up on me that the text was missing something of vital importance. The readers of that website (verenoflood.nu) are for the most part people who are somewhat to very critical… Continue reading A penny dropped. An important one.