Lucky bastard

When it feels like an image like this one is forced upon me, I think I am a lucky bastard.

1672: Johan de Witt and his brother murdered

Johannes and Cornelis de Witt murdered
A tribute to Jan de Baen too

I painted Johan de Witt as kind of a tribute: in several aspects he was to the Netherlands what Winston Churchill was for Great Britain. For both of them the royals were a real pain in the ass… And I feel related to him. Not the most but neither the least by the fact we… Continue reading 1672: Johan de Witt and his brother murdered

Trials, tribunals, Islamic State and the Wuhan-virus

In the Netherlands, since the beginning of 2021, the presidency of the parliament is in the hands of the political party ‘D66’. In March this party grew and now has one sixth of the seats in parliament. It is also the party that most explicitly supports the transfer of national sovereignty to the European Union.… Continue reading Trials, tribunals, Islamic State and the Wuhan-virus

Police brutality: Hurray for timestamps!

Some international media, and even Mr Nils Melzer at the United Nations [Special Rapporteur on Torture] have started to report about police brutality in the Netherlands. The immediate reason for this was an incident that happened in Amsterdam on January 2, 2022. A little bit confusing about it was that the accompanying illustrations did not… Continue reading Police brutality: Hurray for timestamps!