The suffering of the climate prophet

Stephen Schneider

When considering running for a seat in the Provincial Council I started reading the complete IPCC report, however, I got stuck on page XI. The Synthesis Report 2014 turned out to be officially dedicated to Mr. Stephen Schneider, who -for that reason- can be called climate prophet. I use that term climate prophet for the… Continue reading The suffering of the climate prophet

Looking at a beheading or a totally mutilated vagina

Hanny Lightfoot-Klein: the most beautiful woman in the world?

There are pieces on both topics from the title of this text in my book Islamophobiaⁱ, which do not differ much in size, but about female genital mutilation (FGM) I actually wrote calmer than about the  beheadings. After I had seen a video clip of the truly Furious Ann Barnhardt (with three capital  letters), famous… Continue reading Looking at a beheading or a totally mutilated vagina

Uncle Tom: his backbone of steel

In Dutch: "The negro cabin"

A different review.A conservative atheist praises “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and glorifies that devout christian lady Harriet Beecher-Stowe. That rather long review: Uncle Tom: his backbone of steel Many years ago I read this book on my e-reader. The danger of burning in on the screen of such an older Kindle is exactly zero, so when… Continue reading Uncle Tom: his backbone of steel

Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology

Longer texts

Differences in sentencing in similar cases? This Long TEXT was the second non-peer review of the (now defunct) Dutch website ‘Emperors & Clothes’ (Keizers & Kleren). I discussed the article Differences in sentencing in similar cases that appeared in episode 2012-11 of the Dutch Legal Journal (‘Nederlands Juristenblad’ (NJB)). In publishing this English translation, I… Continue reading Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology