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George Orwell

Tribute to the Great British author who understood communism and predicted World Economic Forum
by OldDutchPainter Groenendijk.
This text is in the corner below-right on the postcard too.


Churchill Boulevards and Orwell lanes

Churchill Laan, Eindhoven Netherlands

The city of Eindhoven is located in the south of the Netherlands. With almost a quarter of a million inhabitants Eindhoven is number five in size in the Netherlands. It had some fame as the hometown of the multinational company Philips and football club PSV.I was in this city for a four-day course of the… Continue reading Churchill Boulevards and Orwell lanes

Those ‘Danish’ cartoons

I produce short videos based on the contents of the book ’49:49′.Available in the shop in printed form and as e-book. This short videos are published on social media too, especially TikTok. This twelfth video in this series is a special one. The video in itself already elaborates on the the introduction of Chapter 5) Shuddering,… Continue reading Those ‘Danish’ cartoons

Tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Still from video about a different review of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Link below. I had to make this tribute because I knew about her great role in abolishing slavery and after realising her phenomenal contribution in putting the Golden Rule above the literal text of the Bible. This painting is on a heptagonal, wooden carrier… Continue reading Tribute to Harriet Beecher Stowe

Painting Tributes

A podcast about paintings?

>> Podcast BELUISTEREN kan via deze link >> This is a slideshow associated with a podcast. And with English subtitles. It is referring to quite a number of blogposts and some podcasts I made before. Here are the links to those: More about my atheism. My ‘Rembrandt as St. Paul features as the home button… Continue reading Painting Tributes