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Het leninisme werd nooit vernietigd

De (tot nu toe) enige video die ik niet in Nederland opnam, maakte ik in Duitsland tegen de grens met Polen. Die ging over Bismarck, Russische soldaten en sovjet-heerschappij. Titel: A military cemetery in Spremberg: “Sonst Nichts”. ‘Sonst Nichts’ was onderdeel van een leus die vaak gebruikt werd door de verschrikkelijke Bismarck, die de fundering… Continue reading Het leninisme werd nooit vernietigd

Harari, Skinner and Chomsky: utopians of sorts

Screenshot from video about Harari

Harari of the World Economic Forum When it comes to the political side of this weblog the category AAA, Against All Aristocracies is the most important one. That category contains several post about the World Economic Forum wherein a Mister Schwab and a Mister Harari feature as two of the most outspoken anti-democratic forces. In… Continue reading Harari, Skinner and Chomsky: utopians of sorts

Painting, varnishing and printing

JKRowling and George Orwell

I forgot to mention in the clip that I am not applying the final varnish here. On a traditional painting the final varnish is applied at least a year after completing the actual painting. This blogpost is about ‘retouching varnish’. This varnishing creates unity in the painting, especially by reducing differences in tarnishness. I call… Continue reading Painting, varnishing and printing

Painting JKRowling

Tribute to JKRowling

My tribute to Joanne Rowling, JKR, painted on a heptagonal self-made, rigid carrier. The next one in this series of tributes is of George Orwell. I actually started working on that one before I started with this one. My pinned tweet says: “If you oppose #misogyny and or nihilism the #transgenderism-agenda is THE issue you… Continue reading Painting JKRowling

Elephants in courtrooms -III-: “Legitimate aims”

ECHR: office Strasbourg France

This is the third article on the European Court of Human Rights and judicial activism. To start with the conclusion: we have to get rid of this Court. Not because everything these ladies and gentlemen say is equally nonsensical. But because of their judicial activism. Even more so because it suits so many politicians perfectly… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms -III-: “Legitimate aims”

Marxism was never crushed

Proud of the farmers

Amazing. Last Thursday, a very warm day here in the Netherlands: many hundreds came to a meeting of a Dutch political party with English speaking guests only! And on top of that: the meeting was about a very important but depressing subject: the role of the Communist Party of China in the world.  The organising… Continue reading Marxism was never crushed