Dissident Dutch Broadcaster under Attack

Anchorwomen and founder of Ongehoord Nederland

The Dutch political climate is not like the Ukraine one. Yet.The most important opposition party (Forum voor democratie) is not forbidden. Yet.The only dissident broadcaster of those funded via tax-money (Ongehoord Nederland ≈ “Unheard (of), neglected Dutch“) is not forbidden. Yet. This video is in support of the broadcaster. I added English subtitles because these… Continue reading Dissident Dutch Broadcaster under Attack

Legitimate aims of those governments

ECHR: office Strasbourg France
“The non morally corrupt judges should speak out on the abuse of the judicial system”

‘Legitimate aims’ of national governments are a deeply worrying element in two of the ECHR-rulings I criticized in so called ‘long texts’ that can be found in the category Judicial Activism. More specifically under the heading Elephants in Courtrooms. It is disgusting. To use an understatement The texts on the two above mentioned ECHR rulings… Continue reading Legitimate aims of those governments

Painting JKRowling

Tribute to JKRowling

My tribute to Joanne Rowling, JKR, painted on a heptagonal self-made, rigid carrier. The next one in this series of tributes is of George Orwell. I actually started working on that one before I started with this one. My pinned tweet says: “If you oppose #misogyny and or nihilism the #transgenderism-agenda is THE issue you… Continue reading Painting JKRowling

Using the United Nations to fight homeschooling in your country

Not a literal quote from the christian Dutch minister

Under the leadership of minister Arie Slob, member of an explicitly christian party, the Dutch cabinet launched a frontal attack on homeschooling. A closer look at the lines along which this attack is taking place is also very instructive for other dossiers. The most concrete part of the bill, which provides for “additional regulations to… Continue reading Using the United Nations to fight homeschooling in your country

Total preemptive war, to outsmart evolution

Ambitions can be criminal

When it comes to the phenomenon called ‘Gain of Function’ criminal is even still an understatement. It is pure evil. Hence the title. A couple of months ago three versions of the book “Viral. The Search for the Origin of COVID-19” were number 1, 2 and 3 in Amazon’s bestsellers’ list. In Bacteriology …. Direct link… Continue reading Total preemptive war, to outsmart evolution