Modi meets islamophilia in the White House

This blog post is mainly about the joint press conference Joe Biden and Narendra Modi recently gave at the White House, June 23, 2023. The contrast between the decaying American and the phenomenal statesman from the largest democracy in the world was so great that I felt as if I was watching a surrealist play.… Continue reading Modi meets islamophilia in the White House

Non self-reading & tangible mail

Mainframe from the eighties versus memory card 128 gigabytes

In a video by a sympathetic duo of Dutch bloggers (Bakkie met Bergsma en Bennink) I came across the call to make more use of old-fashioned, tangible mail instead of e-mail, Whatsapp, Twitter and the like. A very good idea for several reasons! One reason they haven’t mentioned yet though, and I’ll go into that… Continue reading Non self-reading & tangible mail

SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’

The Poison Cup and Der Neue Untermensch

Only a small fraction of scientists and medical practitioners worldwide in recent years resisted the unfolding circus of lies surrounding SARS_CoV_2 the lab leak and the actually extremely experimental mRNA vaccins.  In many countries, these heroes showed their backbones of steel despite almost unlimited hate campaigns against them by spineless colleagues, extremely stupid or -more… Continue reading SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’

Starting ‘history’ at date of your own birth or foundation

German chancellor receives Kalergi Prize from the hands of some Liechtenstein aristocrat

Among other things this text is about the history and present day importance of the highly acclaimed insanely insane count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. This count produced absurdly racist texts, yet an award named after him has been handed to numerous presidents and prime ministers (and one violinist). It is preferably presented by men of nobility.… Continue reading Starting ‘history’ at date of your own birth or foundation

Trump’s logical VP-choice

Kari Lake

The run-up to the US presidential election is longer and weirder than ever. Shortly before Marjorie Taylor Greene announced that Joe Biden’s impeachment would go ahead, reports surfaced about who President Trump will choose as the running mate for the election that will take place in a year and a half. Remarkably, those two issues… Continue reading Trump’s logical VP-choice

Victims of a Magnificent Conspiracy

Beautiful part of ongoing conspiracy? The tweet reads "on our way to the Zuiderpark".

Every second of every day somewhere in the world a new conspiracy, big or small, is being hatched while work on others is being continued.Recently I was one of the many victims of a magnificent conspiracy. The conspiracy involved a farmers protest in my home country on March 11, 2023. A protest against a policy… Continue reading Victims of a Magnificent Conspiracy