Kinds of Zen in a roller coaster

>> August 21: added important update. See below. So glad I made this ride in Walibi [1] roller coaster ‘Goliath‘ but not sure if I will ever do it again. My eldest daughter, eldest granddaughter and eldest grandson had challenged me by asking how I would pose for the action photo that is taken of… Continue reading Kinds of Zen in a roller coaster

Botanic behaviour – II

In January this year I made a video about Botanic behaviour and at the beginning of March I wrote an update. When I had already planned to write a new update, I met someone who graduated from Wageningen University quite some time ago. We met because of the most important political topic of today (trans-genderism)… Continue reading Botanic behaviour – II

Tribute to Narendra Modi

This tribute to India’s both very successful and popular prime minister Narendra Modi I painted with alkyd. He is the leader of the by far biggest democracy in the world and under his leadership -since 2002- India is doing very well economically. Western fools Allmost every single politician, journalist and ‘political scientist’ in the West… Continue reading Tribute to Narendra Modi

Diversity: Houses under the Hammer shows bright side of integration

Presenters of Houses under the Hammer: Dion Dublin, Martel Maxwell and Martin Roberts

The long-running BBC TV program Houses under the Hammer is also broadcasted in the Netherlands (Here it is titled with the literal translation: ‘Huizen onder de hamer‘. I would prefer Villa’s en bouwvallen geveild‘, but okay). It is one of only two television programs not meant to be funny I regularly view. It is packed… Continue reading Diversity: Houses under the Hammer shows bright side of integration

Vegetal still life vs portrait

Vegetal colours

Number two of four exercises before I start working on my next portrait in my series of tributes on heptagonal carriers. I was so pleased with this one that I not only signed the painting but also framed it. I wanted to practice two things in particular: working with Alkyd paint and with colors. After… Continue reading Vegetal still life vs portrait

Painting, varnishing and printing

JKRowling and George Orwell

I forgot to mention in the clip that I am not applying the final varnish here. On a traditional painting the final varnish is applied at least a year after completing the actual painting. This blogpost is about ‘retouching varnish’. This varnishing creates unity in the painting, especially by reducing differences in tarnishness. I call… Continue reading Painting, varnishing and printing