‘For sale’: Tribute to Grandmother

'Grandma who has been in heaven since 1925'.

‘Grandma who has been in heaven since 1925’. Based on the only -damaged and somewhat retouched- photo of her that survived.I am an atheist: so I use the word ‘heaven’ in the title in a completely unique way.Because she died so young -her oldest daughter, my mother- was only 6, she indirectly had a greater… Continue reading ‘For sale’: Tribute to Grandmother

Tribute to David Reimer

Tribute to David Reimer

And a call to express solidarity with JK Rowling April 1st, 2024 A couple of months ago I made a video (+podcast) about me in my paintings gradually focusing more on making portraits and more specifically tributes. In this video I zoom in on one such portrait: my tribute to David Reimer. My praise for… Continue reading Tribute to David Reimer

Science and a cabinet of curiosities

Decorative bananaplant

I am in the process of writing an extraordinary and comprehensive book review. It is written by the most brilliant man you have probably never heard of: Michael Polanyi. The book is called “Personal Knowledge“. I first read part of it almost 47 years ago and was immediately very impressed. It seemed to me to… Continue reading Science and a cabinet of curiosities

“The better type of peace diplomacy”?

Scheveningen, Kurhaus September 25 2020, Photo of this specific exhibition of it in the ‘Kurhaus’ by the Old Dutch Painter. The title of this blogpost is the caption beside those photos … The question mark is added by me, of course. When you look for a possible original source of this photo of the Dutch… Continue reading “The better type of peace diplomacy”?

The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams

Trump Derangement Syndrome

(De Nederlands gesproken podcast is te beluisteren via Spotify) A book review of possibly the most idiot book I ever read all the way through. It took me some time to really let sink in that it was nothing more, nothing less than a very wierd and very elaborate hit piece about .. Donald Trump.… Continue reading The middle fingers of Jack Ruby and Dan Abrams

The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

E-book. Order it at Amazon.

On November 2, 2004, Theo van Gogh -you can find his picture on the homepage of this site- was murdered.  Because of that, five years later, I  completed my first book: ‘Islamofobie? Een nuchter antwoord’. Yes that is Dutch. (Hier kan het nog steeds besteld worden). ‘Islamophobia? A down to earth answer‘ seems to me… Continue reading The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists