Starting ‘history’ at date of your own birth or foundation

German chancellor receives Kalergi Prize from the hands of some Liechtenstein aristocrat

Among other things this text is about the history and present day importance of the highly acclaimed insanely insane count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. This count produced absurdly racist texts, yet an award named after him has been handed to numerous presidents and prime ministers (and one violinist). It is preferably presented by men of nobility.… Continue reading Starting ‘history’ at date of your own birth or foundation

Tribute to Narendra Modi

This tribute to India’s both very successful and popular prime minister Narendra Modi I painted with alkyd. He is the leader of the by far biggest democracy in the world and under his leadership -since 2002- India is doing very well economically. Western fools Allmost every single politician, journalist and ‘political scientist’ in the West… Continue reading Tribute to Narendra Modi

Diversity: Houses under the Hammer shows bright side of integration

Presenters of Houses under the Hammer: Dion Dublin, Martel Maxwell and Martin Roberts

The long-running BBC TV program Houses under the Hammer is also broadcasted in the Netherlands (Here it is titled with the literal translation: ‘Huizen onder de hamer‘. I would prefer Villa’s en bouwvallen geveild‘, but okay). It is one of only two television programs not meant to be funny I regularly view. It is packed… Continue reading Diversity: Houses under the Hammer shows bright side of integration

Vegetal still life vs portrait

Vegetal colours

Number two of four exercises before I start working on my next portrait in my series of tributes on heptagonal carriers. I was so pleased with this one that I not only signed the painting but also framed it. I wanted to practice two things in particular: working with Alkyd paint and with colors. After… Continue reading Vegetal still life vs portrait

Trump’s logical VP-choice

Kari Lake

The run-up to the US presidential election is longer and weirder than ever. Shortly before Marjorie Taylor Greene announced that Joe Biden’s impeachment would go ahead, reports surfaced about who President Trump will choose as the running mate for the election that will take place in a year and a half. Remarkably, those two issues… Continue reading Trump’s logical VP-choice

Painting, varnishing and printing

JKRowling and George Orwell

I forgot to mention in the clip that I am not applying the final varnish here. On a traditional painting the final varnish is applied at least a year after completing the actual painting. This blogpost is about ‘retouching varnish’. This varnishing creates unity in the painting, especially by reducing differences in tarnishness. I call… Continue reading Painting, varnishing and printing