Hardly any bible reading this time although that tag does fit this video. My father died a year before this church was demolished. A few years ago there was some kind of a contest in the Netherlands wherein this church was named as one of the most beautiful demolished buildings. My family regularly visited its… Continue reading Rejoicing at Revelation horror
Old Dutch Painter’s Blog
Imagine all politicians.And world peace.
Sing alongwith Lennon, John: Imagine all politicians over all the wo-o-rld.Countries working together and listening to us, scienctists.And World Peace, of course. (Link to my all time favorite movie clip. With Sandra Bullock.) Links:The long Japanese videoYes, Yuval Noah Harari is a member of the World Economic Forum.The Times of Israel articleNote on the absulutely… Continue reading Imagine all politicians.And world peace.
Sunset > painting > photo
So I made this lovely photo of my oldest grandson running through a fountain. I made a special enlargement of it by making a painting on the wall behind the photo.Then sunset came by. I absolutely love it.
Charles County and the mules
In 1963 and in 1991 parts of Charles County in Maryland USA, were very poor, I found out recently. In 2020 Joe Biden won with an amazing lead: much bigger than Clinton did in 2016. Most remarkable result: in this county Biden collected less than 9% of his votes on election day. How blue are… Continue reading Charles County and the mules
A Ginger Triceratops
Things you don’t expect on a fruit bowl.
Judicial internationalism
There is something rotten in the Netherlands. In parliament, in government and -in my not so humble opinion even more worrying- in the judicial system. The Dutch version of the text the video refers to can be found here. (It is yet to be translated).