Gaslighting in overdrive: too early

New Wilders concession: military aid to Ukraine no longer taboo

Freedom-loving conservatives around the world are reminded daily that there are many reasons for great concern. At this moment the two topics at the top of my time line are from a very famous woman and a very famous man: JK Rowling and Gad Saad. JKRowling comments on Sarah Owen being elected as chair… Continue reading Gaslighting in overdrive: too early

Sunset at EAZ and fighting Misogyny

Sunset Egmond at Sea (Egmond Aan Zee)

Egmond aan Zee is a lovely seaside resort on the North Sea coast. I was there for a short (working) holiday. I wrote and walked more than I painted, but I did start this painting. Back home while finishing it, suddenly a link with the scandal of the Olympic Games urged itself on me. When… Continue reading Sunset at EAZ and fighting Misogyny

Misogynists abusing DSD-victims

Last Sunday, the third and most successful edition of the Dutch LetWomenSpeak took place in Utrecht.Soon all the speeches of the speakers will be available to hear and watch, but for two very different reasons here are three quarters of a minute from a justifiably angry young woman. As with the first edition, the story… Continue reading Misogynists abusing DSD-victims

The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

E-book. Order it at Amazon.

On November 2, 2004, Theo van Gogh -you can find his picture on the homepage of this site- was murdered.  Because of that, five years later, I  completed my first book: ‘Islamofobie? Een nuchter antwoord’. Yes that is Dutch. (Hier kan het nog steeds besteld worden). ‘Islamophobia? A down to earth answer‘ seems to me… Continue reading The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

Erasing history and repairing the past


Or: The fathomless madness at western Universities The audio of this video features as Dutch podcast (Here at spotify). It is the first post in the new sub-category ‘Shadowbanning and censorship‘. Links promised in the video / podcast: Detail of my painting to commemorate the brothers De Witt, murdered by Dutch Orangists. See also the… Continue reading Erasing history and repairing the past

Mengele 2.0 and the Castro Consensus

Tribute to David Reimer

Remember David Reimer I will begin my review of Miriam Grossman’s phenomenal ‘Lost in Trans Nation‘ – like that book itself – by recalling the horrific fate of David Reimer. Reimer was the most ‘outspoken’ victim of the terrible John Money, referred to here as Mengele 2.0.. When he was a seven-month-old baby, David –… Continue reading Mengele 2.0 and the Castro Consensus