Expressionism? I do want to cry out..

Hyperlapse & comments

Colourizing old movies: I saw great examples of it before and today I discovered that a fellow Dutchman called Rick is doing a really great job in this field. Here an example of his work: The Attack on Pearl Harbour.This blogpost is about something completely different, yet in a way comparable. I chose this example-link… Continue reading Expressionism? I do want to cry out..

Rudi Dutschke’s mind blowing success

Nobody laughed
Civil servants vs politicians

Political commenting while ironing. No shirt was ruined while making this video. Three years ago I wrote a text about Dutschke in Dutch on the website In a note below an explanation of my vote. I repeat the complete note here for a reason: Superficially the hero of many radical world reformers, Rudi Dutschke… Continue reading Rudi Dutschke’s mind blowing success

How to elicit disgust

About the famous pavement of the road to hell

A short video about transgenderism. A subject that seems to at last getting the attention it most certainly deserves. Partially thanks to Tulsi Gabbard, partially thanks to the new Twitter policy: canceling the very best female atlethes from their platform for openly not supporting that misogynist agenda. You can find more videos and texts on… Continue reading How to elicit disgust

Women’s sport, liposuction and perverse priorities

Obama 2016

This long article is about transgenderism. Not to be confused with hermaphroditism, intersexuality or (gender) dysphoria. And it is about what is in the title. I explain difficult words separately, except for the word I made up myself, transgenderism: that agenda. That’s what the whole article is about. Handicapped or challenged? Contrary to what the title,… Continue reading Women’s sport, liposuction and perverse priorities