Tribute to Dorothy Milne Murdock *)

My latest book is dedicated to this wonderful lady, which is why I showed this portrait and some other paintings of mine at the book presentation on November 23.

When I work on a portrait of one of my grandchildren my face constantly shows a smile that could not even be wiped out with a baseball bat. When I worked on the portrait of David Reimer (link below) it was the opposite. Such immense suffering as was inflicted on David, his twin brother and his parents under the guise of scientific research by the man I call Mengele 2.0.!

While painting my portrait of Dorothy Mirne Murdock my facial expression varied quite a bit! I thought alternately about her phenomenal contribution to essential debate, her loving attitude and about the boundless hatred that was meted out to her. Hatred that mainly came and still comes from fundamentalist Christians. Christians who stomp on her grave.

The criticism of Dorothy and other great female fighters against religiously inspired misogyny was relatively often directed against those same aspects of Christianity and relatively little against Islam and even less against the Jewish religion.

With the book 49:49 I take over the torch for that part, so to speak.

This painting is on a heptagonal, wooden carrier I made myself with the help of my brother. Its ‘diameter’ is a little less than 60 cm. Alkyd paint.

Like all my paintings this one is for sale too. My prices are only partially based on the amount of time I invested and my estimate if I did a really good job. The most important aspect is: can I separate from it? Of course, I find it relatively more difficult to part with my most recent paintings.

This one is in the ‘category’: one of my best painting and I am really quite pleased with the result.

Send a message via a DM on if you want to make a bid.


*) Dorothy Milne Murdock published also under the pseudonym Acharya S.

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