Timur Lenk in Boston

Statue of Timur in Shahrisabz, Uzbekistan

Or: Ignorance about Mohammedanism then and now When I stopped adding new content to my Dutch-language website islamofobie.nl *) in 2014, I turned it into a kind of archive. In that context, I also made a new division of categories. Looking back in 2024 –and more specifically: after October 7, 2023– the ‘History‘ category is… Continue reading Timur Lenk in Boston

A Preface

Idea for cover ..

Below you find the draft of the Preface of a soon to be published book. Title: 49:49 Subtitle: The Emperor’s Old Rags An autobiographical Anecdote This book has an autobiographical side. This foreword all the more so. Starting with a personal anecdote would therefore be appropriate. An anecdote that has no direct relationship with the… Continue reading A Preface

Long walk & experiment involving transgenderism in passing

Nederlands gesproken, subtitled in English. I made it for TikTok. Actually the long walk is also a training and test if I will be able to complete the JFK-march: 50 miles / 80 kilometers for the first time in my life. It is organised in a considerable number of Dutch locations every year. My account… Continue reading Long walk & experiment involving transgenderism in passing

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