Painting JKRowling

Tribute to JKRowling

My tribute to Joanne Rowling, JKR, painted on a heptagonal self-made, rigid carrier. The next one in this series of tributes is of George Orwell. I actually started working on that one before I started with this one. My pinned tweet says: “If you oppose #misogyny and or nihilism the #transgenderism-agenda is THE issue you… Continue reading Painting JKRowling

Really, Types of Population Pyramids?

The nonsense of drawing a Population Pyramid of a shrinking population: that’s what this article is about. There have been population explosions in many countries. But it cannot be emphasized often enough: there is no question of a worldwide population explosion nowadays. In a number of countries, the population is already shrinking – in some… Continue reading Really, Types of Population Pyramids?

Ultimate virtue signalling contest

Perhaps not satire

If you oppose #misogyny and or #nihilism the #transgenderism-agenda is THE issue you need to focus on in 2023.I kept the hashtags in this sentence: it is the pinned tweet on my twitter-account (frgroenendijk). So many political and social developments today are so infuriating or saddening that we absolutely need humour to stay sane. Luckily,… Continue reading Ultimate virtue signalling contest

Total preemptive war, to outsmart evolution

Ambitions can be criminal

When it comes to the phenomenon called ‘Gain of Function’ criminal is even still an understatement. It is pure evil. Hence the title. A couple of months ago three versions of the book “Viral. The Search for the Origin of COVID-19” were number 1, 2 and 3 in Amazon’s bestsellers’ list. In Bacteriology …. Direct link… Continue reading Total preemptive war, to outsmart evolution

The Bitchute-dilemma and those cyclopean challenges for Elon Musk

Much more worried now than I was 11 years ago.

Judging by the assassments of his opponents – not least on wikipedia – Elon Musk is really doing a great job. The categories of this website -49:49 and others- can be found at the bottom of every page of this website. Link to the video that is so difficult to classify by Rumble.